Read This Book: The Fiction Factory, 1912

The Fiction Factory By John Milton Edwards, Being the Experience of a Writer who, for Twenty-two Years, has kept a Story-mill Grinding Successfully, William Wallace Cook, 1912

The Google Books version is the one I read because it was easiest. There are several fascinating chapters in that book, and the rest is at the very least interesting. I haven’t quite finished the book, but I’m very close. Give it a shot if you enjoy reading about writers’ lives or processes.

(Updated link 2/26/2024)

2000 Word Streak Fail

Okay, I had to restart this thing twice already. That sucks. Truly. But I’m now a day in on my restart. I did 2000+ today. Still, I didn’t do too badly this week, because I topped 16,000 words all together from Monday through Sunday. I can only weep at how awesome the week would have been if I hadn’t had 2 < 2000 word days and 1 < 1000 word day. And I’m still at it tonight. Although I admit, I’m about to fall asleep. Too much coffee apparently makes my caffeine sensitive body go into some kind of freefall. I sucked down another one less than an hour ago and I’m yawning more than ever now. I shouldn’t have wasted the coffee. :D

Going for a 2,000 Words a Day Streak

I’m starting a challenge for myself. I’d like to get on a streak of 2,000 words a day, and I’d like to keep it up for 30 uninterrupted days.


I am practicing the habit of consistency.

I need to produce a certain number of words this month and I don’t want to end-load the month.

I want to prove I can do it. To who? Myself. I have discipline, and it’s time I applied some of that to my writing.

It will be fun. Seriously. It is always fun when you do things you aren’t 100% sure you can do. :)

How will I handle setbacks?

Start over. The streak depends on me writing 2,000 words a day for 30 days in a row. There’s really no way around that, so if I miss my goal one day, the streak has to start over the next day. This will suck if I get to 28 days and screw up, so truthfully, the more invested I get, the more motivation I have to keep with it.

Feel free to join me in this challenge

Although I’m a notorious slowpoke of a writer (about 600 words an hour on my really good days), a lot of writers write a lot faster. I don’t mind. Brag about your 2,000 words in 20 minutes in the comments. I promise not to judge. ;)