My Stats

I was looking over the site a few days ago and realized I had lost my stats from the sidebar. I could have added them back to the sidebar, but I’ve put them here instead.

Seeing these now, I feel some future challenges coming up. ;D

  • Best one-day word count: 6,606 (5/7/19)
  • Best monthly word count: 57,249 (April 2016)
  • Longest streak of daily writing: 186 days (8/6/19–2/7/20)
  • Longest streak of 1,000 words or more a day: 27 days (2/4/13–3/2/13)
  • Longest streak of 2,000 words or more a day: 11 days (2/4/13–2/14/13)
  • Longest streak of 0 words a day: 80 days (2/18/18–5/8/18) (Vacation? Burnout? Boredom?) I thought this needed updating, but I was wrong. Despite everything, 80 days is still my record as of 9/27/23. :o

I began keeping daily records on August 11, 2012 and haven’t missed a day logging my word counts.

All stats refer to fiction writing.