Time to Get Back to Writing

I’ve taken nearly a week off from doing anything productive unless you count reading and watching television and reading blogs and forums that I’m supposed to be avoiding as productive work. I don’t. :D Honestly, you probably shouldn’t either, if you do.

Since I published my last book, I’ve been spending a lot of time refreshing reports (AH!) and updating spreadsheets (AH!) and generally goofing off in a way I shouldn’t be doing. I’ve ended every day with guilt hanging over my head. If I’m going to wallow in guilt over my procrastination, shouldn’t I be at least have been doing something fun?! Yes, yes indeedy. :)

But now it’s really time I started getting back to work. I have some big goals for the rest of the year. It’s a bit of a personal challenge for myself, and I want to succeed!

Plus, if I don’t write a reasonable number of words today, my word count for the week is going to be 628 words. :o

Update #1: I read the rest of my novella in progress. Now I just need to get started on the writing.