Follow up to the follow up

I did NOT write any fiction today. I didn’t do anything else writing or publishing related either. What I did do was… something. I swear it seemed important at the time, but I can’t even remember it at the moment.

Oh, yeah. I closed an account related to a pen name I’m not going to use and then deleted the google account that I’d set up for email for it, then got caught up with clearing up some email forwarding issues and the like. I spent much more time on that whole thing than was worth it. Seriously.

I also cleared out my saved passwords, tried to create a time tracking spreadsheet but gave up when I realized it wasn’t going to do anything but disappoint me when I don’t keep it updated, and… there was something else. I mean, I know I spent the entire day at the computer, and I didn’t spend any of it reading the forums and blogs I’ve committed to staying away from indefinitely. The time went somewhere.

I did download and set up a habit tracking app on my phone: Loop – Habit Tracker. The first habit I set up was “write every day” so I can get on top of my lack of writing. :o I added “no sweets” and “read fiction” on there too, because I’d like to track those. Other than that, I can’t remember what else I did with my day.

Ah, well. I already know I didn’t use my time wisely today.

Tomorrow I’ll do better. I’ll certainly try.